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Pros and Cons of a Mexican Retirement

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for January 21.  We apologize for the goof we made in last week's newsletter - as one who noticed it commented, "last time I checked Lisbon was in Portugal (not Spain!)". Thanks to Jeff, Alvin, and Brickhorse for noticing and letting us know.

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Port Isabel/South Padre Island - Texas

These resort towns on Texas's extreme southern coast offer warm winters and the Gulf of Mexico for fun.  FIshing, beach going, and relaxing are popular activities. More>>

Should You Retire in Mexico?

The best people to ask about retiring in Mexico are the people that have actually done so. To that end we have distilled the best of the pro and con reader comments from our earlier article entitled "Mexican Retirement Gone Bad". We think you will find them enlightening. More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

The Happiest and Unhappiest Places in America

Longtime Member Clyde brought this article back to our attention. Given how Covid has given us a chance to re-evaluate everything, it couldn't be more timely. We've updated the original article to include some points from The Atlantic on the issues surrounding moving and finding happiness. More >>


Cape Coral, Florida

Imagine a fairly affordable town on a river and the Gulf of Mexico with over 400 miles of canals. Almost anyone can afford a house with a dock in the backyard. This could be your paradise. More>>

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